New Brunswick Genealogical Society
The Hayward and Kanner collections are courtesy of George Hayward and Ken Kanner. Their records cover only a few New Brunswick counties and for limited time periods.  
For more marriage records, see our Anglican Registers Project.
Hayward Collection
(public access)
Kanner Collection
Carleton Co 1832-1887 Albert Co 1846-1887
Queens Co 1812-1887 Westmorland Co 1790-1856 
Westmorland Co 1857-1888 
Sunbury Co 1766-1888  
York Co 1812-1889
Marriage records from other contributors
Sheffield Wesleyan Methodist Church 1835-1906
Also see our collection of
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In the early 1800s persons who were licensed to perform marriages in New Brunswick were required to complete a marriage certificate and deliver it to the County Registry, where a clerk entered the information in a record book.
Generally, certificates were filed and registered within a few days to a few weeks. However, some certificates were not filed for several months, even a few years. And in at least one case certificates were lost at the time of a clergyman's death and were never recorded.
The handwriting on the marriage certificates was interpreted and recorded by the registry clerks, with varying levels of accuracy. Some clerks wrote legibly while the handwriting of others can be deciphered only with considerable difficulty, if at all. Also, over the years some of the ink has faded, which increases the degree of difficulty and the potential for error.  While every effort has been made to transcribe the records as written, including the spelling used by the recording clerk, it is certain that this collection contains inaccuracies.
updated Mar 2023