Genealogy Research Services

This list contains the names of four researchers who specialise in New Brunswick.  They are in alphabetical order and NBGS Inc. is satisfied that all of them have the knowledge and experience to meet most needs.  Click on the business name to view the researcher's website.  

If you have interest in hiring a researcher please send a summary of the work you have already completed and what your goals are. Rose Staples has more than eigtheen years of research experience with the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick and with the Loyalist Collection at the University of New Brunswick Library.

Daphne Wetmore, BHS, PLCGS, holds a Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies: Canadian Records (2017) and an Advanced Level Professional Development Certificate (2021) from the National Institute for Genealogical Studies, Toronto, Ontario. Located in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, Daphne has many years of experience as a genealogy researcher, and has deep ancestral roots in the province. These roots include Loyalist and Irish immigrants; Premiers and paupers; shipbuilders and woodsmen; doctors, lawyers, engineers and many others who helped build the province of New Brunswick.

LIFELINES Genealogy Research - contact is through Twitter or by email
We research local records and records at other New Brunswick repositories. For research in Nova Scotia and in Prince Edward Island we use the services of private researchers who are certified and experienced. For more than twenty years Don Dixon, the principle of LIFELINES Genealogy Research, has served in multiple research areas.

An experienced archival researcher, Sean Benjamin worked as a certified archivist and reference librarian in New Orleans for 11 years before returning to his native New Brunswick. Familiar with NB archives and online research. Hourly and project-based rates available.

Leaf and Vine History - contact by email
Rachel M Trousdale. Local Research in Massachusetts, Maine and New Hampshire. Family history & Genealogical research. Lineage society applications including French Canadian Patriots in the American Revolutionary War. Bosto Massachusetts based research, writing, proffreading & editing. Hourly rates.

updated Jun 2023