New Brunswick Genealogical Society
Volunteer Opportunities
Did you know that NBGS is managed entirely by volunteers? There is no office, no phone and no staff. Replies to your messages may be delayed, but we will respond as soon as possible. 
NBGS is always looking for volunteers for various projects and positions. You do not need to live in New Brunswick to join our team.
Please contact us for more information.

Leadership opportunities:
Leadership opportunities are available at both the Branch and Provincial levels. There are empty director’s seats to fill in some of our branches and empty officer’s seats at the Provincial level. Zoom allows for active participation from anywhere! See About Us for the locations of the vacancies. ​ 
Don't want to jump right in to a leadership role? We are looking for people to serve on committees or simply to help out with setup at a branch meeting. Do you have an accounting or IT background? Do you have experience in editing articles? Give us a helping hand to share the workload. Let us know what areas interest you. Contact your branch for more information or

Other opportunities:
We have small transcription or indexing projects available. Perhaps you'd like to help with our Obituaries Project (an index to death notices in NB newspapers) or compiling lists of names and dates from some of our collections. Contact us if this interests you.
Have you written an article that would be suitable for Generations? Do you have a register page from a family bible, a published family history or an ancestral report from your genealogy software that you’d like to add to our website? Perhaps you have a collection of old family photos? Or do you have photos or maps of historic events or places of interest? See our Knowledge base for submission guidelines for these various topics.
Are you willing to give a formal presentation on your research, a book you have written or a genealogy-related topic at one or more of our branch meetings? Contact your branch for the opportunity to be the speaker at a meeting. 
updated Jun 2023