New Brunswick Genealogical Society
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Capital Branch
Saturday, September 14
Capital Branch  (NBGS Branch Meetings)
10:30 am
Provincial Archives and via Zoom
A meeting of Capital Branch, New Brunswick Genealogical Society Inc. will be held on Saturday, September 14th, 10:30 AM, at the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, on the UNB Campus in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Prior to the business portion of the meeting, Provincial Archivist, Joanna Aiton Kerr will give a presentation on the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick’s comprehensive role in preserving New Brunswick’s heritage and offer a preview of future plans. This will be a hybrid meeting (in person and Zoom). Members and non-members are welcome to attend.
Joanna was appointed Provincial Archivist of New Brunswick in June 2023.  She brings to this position a wealth of experience, including positions with the Sisters of Charity and the University of New Brunswick.  At UNB she served as the University Records Manager and Privacy Officer and then the Associate University Secretary. In addition, she has extensive experience in the archival community at the provincial and national levels. Formerly Chair of the Canadian Council of Archivists, she is currently chair of National Archival Appraisal Board. A native of New Brunswick, she holds a BA History from Acadia University and MA Archival Studies from the University of British Columbia

Southeastern Branch Presentation Notice
Saturday, September 21
Southeastern Branch Presentation Notice  (NBGS Branch Meetings)
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Riverview NB AND via Zoom
The Southeastern Branch of the New Brunswick Genealogical Society will hold its next Regular Meeting Saturday, September 21th, 2024, 2:00 P.M. ADT, via Zoom videoconferencing. Members will receive a prior email invitation. Email Heather Alward in advance if you know a friend who wishes to attend. Once again, note the meeting time zone.
A presentation follows the meeting. We will have Kate Doucette from “Salisbury 250” to present  about their year of Celebrations. 

Saint John
Wednesday, September 25
Saint John  (NBGS Branch Meetings)
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
St Luke's Church, Main St, Saint John; and via Zoom.
The Great Saint John Fire of 1877. Mark Allan Greene, author, will discuss how this catastrophic event (and others like it) changed the course of history. Some family lines sadly died out. Others were created that would never had happened but for the fire. Many people never returned to SJ after the fire. It took 40plus years for the population of that area to return to pre-fire numbers. Thirty-nine orphaned children were also sent to Boston. I’m sure there are still people in Massachusetts who could trace their family back to the Great Saint John Fire. 
A zoom link will be sent out a few days before the meeting. For those attending in-person, use the parking lot off Metcalf St and ring the doorbell.

Southeastern Branch Presentation Notice
Saturday, October 19
Southeastern Branch Presentation Notice  (NBGS Branch Meetings)
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Riverview NB AND via Zoom
The Southeastern Branch of the New Brunswick Genealogical Society will hold its Regular Meeting on Saturday September 21, 2024, 2:00 P.M. AST, at St. John the Baptist Anglican Church, 28 Woolridge Avenue, Riverview, N.B. This will be a hybrid meeting with in person and Zoom videoconferencing. Members will receive a prior email invitation if they prefer to watch from home. Email in advance if you know a friend who wishes to attend. Please note the time zone – Atlantic Standard Time, one hour ahead of the Eastern Standard Time zone.

Saint John
Wednesday, October 30
Saint John  (NBGS Branch Meetings)
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
St Luke's Church, Main St, Saint John; and via Zoom.
A guide to research resources in NB. Daphne Wetmore will present an overview of some of the research resources NB has to offer. This will be a good guide for beginners and a good refreseher for more experienced researchers. One highlight will be an introduction to the new NBGS Probate Records Project.
A zoom link will be sent out a few days before the meeting. For those attending in-person, use the parking lot off Metcalf St and ring the doorbell.

Charlotte Branch
Saturday, November 9
Charlotte Branch  (NBGS Branch Meetings)
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
St. Croix Public Library (St. Stephen)
Quarterly meeting of the Charlotte Branch. Focused on the genealogy research and collections of families from Charlotte County as well as Washington County, Maine and lower York County.

Saint John
Wednesday, November 27
Saint John  (NBGS Branch Meetings)
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
St Luke's Church, Main St, Saint John; and via Zoom.
To be announced