New Brunswick Genealogical Society
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Contributor Guidelines
Generations is published quarterly in Fredericton, NB, by the New Brunswick Genealogical Society, and is distributed to all its members in Canada, the United States and overseas. The Society also publishes books related to genealogy and sponsors periodic seminars.
Generations is made up almost entirely of articles contributed by members, and the society encourages submissions that deal with genealogy and family history.
Articles submitted for publication are to be sent by e-mail attachment to
Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish material owned by others.
The editor of Generations reserves the right to edit all contributions for form, grammar and to shorten articles to fit available space. Excepted are articles reprinted with permission from other publications. Articles that are edited will be returned to the contributor for approval.
Generations goes to the printer February 15th, May 15th, August 15th and November 15th. Items for publication must reach the editor at least 7 days earlier.
The New Brunswick Genealogical Society does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of articles, data, book reviews, notices, advertisements, or source material and services, or any material printed in Generations. Errors, and opinions expressed, are solely the responsibility of contributors.
Articles, letters to the Editor and other correspondence may also be printed and sent by mail to:
Generations Editor,
N.B. Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 3235, Station B
Fredericton, NB  E3A 5G9

See our Quick Guide to Endnotes as published in Generations Spring 2022.

For more information consult The Chicago Manuel of Style Online.