New Brunswick Genealogical Society
Over 1.2 MILLION names in our database!
Additional registers are added on a regular basis.

The Anglican Registers Project (ARP) requires its own login credentials (user ID and password) 
For NBGS members, user ID is your NBGS login name
Passwords are unique to the ARP site (it is not the same as your NBGS password)
If you just joined NBGS, you will be notified by email when your ARP user ID and password are ready.** 
For guest accounts, user ID is your email address
Forgot your ARP password? You can create a new one by clicking the reset password link on the ARP site. 
** It may take a week or so for new NBGS members to receive their notification as this is a manual process done by volunteers. There is no need to request a user ID or password. 

If you continue to experience login issues, please contact us.
To find out more about this project and how to use it, go to the Knowledge Base or view an instructional slideshow.
If you find an error, report it using our Support page.

Notes about the Search Facility
The full-featured search facility is available to all members.   
A basic search facility is available for non-members, who must create a guest account, using a valid email address.
The search facility fully implements the privacy rules used by the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick. At their request, adoption information has been redacted from the images.

Suggested simple source citation: 
New Brunswick Genealogical Society, Anglican Registers Project, [name], [record type], Image ID MC223-[image ID number], ( : date accessed)
Example: New Brunswick Genealogical Society, Anglican Registers Project, John Smith, Baptism, Image ID MC223-C6-6A1-0007, ( : accessed 27 Nov 2023)
updated Mar 2024